Friday, 27 December 2019

Where do I go from here?

Hello folks!

I've got no where to hide. I said I was going to publish new blog posts every day and that is not happening! Life gets in the way. Now that I have a stable cancer recovery, and now that I am learning to thrive and to cherish each new day when I awake, my days get really, really full. So - I will just do my best.

It's time to get back writing more every day. I need an acronym for my writing. If you google OAC you will find the Ontario Academic Credit and the Ontario Arts Council, etc. The acronym I hereby choose to support my writing efforts is similar - AOC, which means Ass On Chair. If I sit down, put my laptop on my lap, and open Word - low and behold I see the list of recently saved files. Some of them (hopefully) will be titles of something I am writing - poem, novel draft, whatever. So I can simply choose a file and start writing. 

So here we are folks, its AOC time and as my title implies I don't have a clue what to write about in this blog. Note my location noted in Post Settings column. I am actually sitting in my favorite chair across the road from the Happy Valley Park in our house at 34 Franklin Road! They close the Park every winter, which makes no sense at all. We have all kinds of tourists at all times of the year. Of course the Park wouldn't be full of motorcycles and pup tents in December, but there are still a lot of motor homes and classy SUVs that have traveling occupants that want to drive to the shores of the Arctic Ocean at Tuk, about 120 km away. It is amazing how our tourism travel volume has escalated now that the all-weather road from Inuvik to Tuk is available. That short leg extends the Dempster Highway all the way to the coast of the Beaufort Sea.

So, Our town of Inuvik is a stopover on the only road in North America where you can drive to the coast of the Arctic Ocean. You can now drive from coast to coast to coast to coast. We have done that in our own vehicle. We have driven to Galveston, Texas (south coast), Vancouver Island (west coast), New Brunswick (east coast), and Tuktoyaktuk, NWT (north coast).

Well, I have gone off track here folks. Or maybe I never have been on track. My on track trajectory is now stable cancer recovery - I will have intravenous Nivolumab immunotherapy every four weeks for the rest of my life which will keep the cancer in remission (hopefully). There are no guarantees of course. The insidious cancer can start growing again at any time. But my oncologist at Cross Cancer Institute says that I will die with cancer but I will not die because of cancer!

So that is a pretty good situation to be in and I can get on with my life. But where to? Well I have two books to write, my book on cancer recovery and my Young Adult novel based in the Arctic. I have the opportunity to put my book proposal on cancer recovery together for Hay House. So, now AOC time is coming up, and I am going to tackle that YA novel.


  1. Hum drum you are NOT, so please continue to put thoughts down for us. Happy 2020 ...... Thank you for your gift of word and your extended graces; the strength in resolve. It is all appreciated.

  2. it takes time to get up to speed. You can't make it to 100 miles an hour, without accelerating through 25, 50, 75 etc.
    You will get there, it just takes the time to accelerate.
    My thoughts - and I have thought about daily posts - shorter posts, single thoughts, and have a bunch written in advance for use on days when you just can't put it together on the spot.

  3. Larna and Rob, thank you both for your encouraging comments. And thanks Rob for your blog-writing suggestions. Much appreciated.
