Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Doggone insurance against the next drink!

Hello folks! I am so sorry that it has taken so long. I will have another health-related post shortly but can't resist to send this one.

Now, you may know about our little sort-of shihtzu named Hagar. He is a sober dog - he hasn't been drunk as long as we have known him ( 1 1/2 years now).
Whenever we have gone away before we have taken him to a willing dog-sitter before taking off on our travels. However, for reasons that will be outlined in my next post later today we had to leave for the airport abruptly last Thursday about noon - a frenzy of packing for both Sandra and I and no time to take Hagar to a sitter - just a phone call to our friend Barb next door who came over a few hours later to pick him up.
Hagar was very confused by the whole ordeal. He was very anxious as we both packed and then left him alone in the house as we headed by cab to the airport. He had his food and water but no understanding of where we had gone. I think this almost drove him to drink.

Hagar has never left our yard by a distance of greater than a yard-width before. He is a home body but he is used to being at Barb's place. However, not knowing where we had gone, one day (Monday the 16th, a day late for an AA meeting) he decided to take things into his own hands (-- i.e. paws). When he was let out to "do his business" on Monday by Barb's grandson, he decided to go find us. He started off going to the hardware store. Nope, we weren't there. Then he made his way across a big vacant lot, under a big utilidor and over to the sidewalk along Mackenzie Road. There he was spied and identified but refused to go to just any old stranger!

So Hagar headed for the Anglican Church, where we have often taken him with us to AA meetings Friday and Sunday evenings. He climbed the steps and sat there. Presumably he so wanted to drink by this time that he felt he needed a meeting. Or that we would miraculously appear so that we could all be a family again. He felt safe there, so when one of Barb's friends Arlene Hanson saw him there he allowed her to pick him up and take him back to Barbs here on Franklin Road.

Long story short Hagar is still sober.


  1. Awww! That's a sweet story about Hagar! He went looking for you and knew exactly where to go! :-) ~Lynnie

    1. Yes, it is really neat because Hagar never left our property or Barb's next door ever before.
